EnergyPlus Tests and Benchmarks

This page contains reports from various tests on E+ versions and computer platforms. It is intended to provide useful information, despite that the method used here is far from rigorous. If you are looking for E+ validation information, please go to the official site.

The set of models used in these tests can be downloaded from Benchmark project. All processor tests are carried out using single thread in jEPlus, whereas computer tests using all available processor cores. You are much welcome to send us your speed test results, or models to be included in the test suite.

More benchmark models sets can be found in jEPlus Projects

Performance comparison between E+ versions

Computer benchmark results

Computer Speed Benchmarks

These tests are carried out using all processor cores in the computer. Simulation time is the wall clock time used to complete the benchmark set (224 simulations) in parallel mode, therefore include CPU time, file I/O, and artificial delays between each jobs (2 seconds by default).

You are much welcome to send us your speed test results, or models to be included in the test suite.


Processor benchmark results

Processor Speed Benchmarks

These tests are carried out using only one processor core in the computer. Simulation time is taken from the EnergyPlus report (eplusout.end) for each job. This time excludes CPU cycles waiting on file I/O etc. However, it is influenced by other activities on the computer during the period of bench-marking.

You are much welcome to send us your speed test results, or models to be included in the test suite.
