Tutorial, use case and demo videos

[This page is pending update]

Tutorial videos of the current and the past versions of jEPlus. The video contents are hosted on YouTube. If you don't see the embedded videos, please try the download links provided.

Current Version (v2.1)

Getting started with jEPlus v2.1

This video demonstrates the process of installing jEPlus, creating a simple project, running simulations, and getting the results.

If the video does not show on the page, you can download it here: getting_started_with_jeplus.mp4 (16'10“, 65MB)

For other jEPlus tutorials, please visit the jEPlus Media Channel

Defining parameters

This video shows how parameters can be used to represent infiltration level, insulation thickness, wall construction (and also window construction and schedules using the same principle), local shading depth, and window size.

If the video does not show on the page, you can download it here: defining_parameters_part_1.mp4 (41'10“, 180MB)

For other jEPlus tutorials, please visit the jEPlus Media Channel

Previous versions

Setting up a jEPlus project in 3 minutes

In this video, Dr Ivan Korolija showed how quickly a jEPlus project can be created.

If the video does not show on the page, you can download it here: http://files.jeplus.org/jeplus_setup_project_in_3_min-youtube.wmv

For more tutorials, please visit the jEPlus Media Channel

jEPlus Basics

Dr Ivan Korolija explains the basics of jEPlus, and how to start creating a project. There is no time pressure this time.

If the video does not show on the page, you can download it here: https://files.jeplus.org/jEPlusVideoTutorial1.wmv (72MB)

Using EP-Macro

Ivan explains how to use EP-Macro with jEPlus to define a block to text in an EnergyPlus model as a parameter. This is very useful for creating more sophisticated parametrics.

If the video does not show on the page, you can download it here: https://files.jeplus.org/jEPlusVideoTutorial2.wmv (60MB)

Get SQLite output

Ivan explains how to make use of the tabular results in the SQLite output from E+. This is useful for extracting certain model information such as system capacity and cost for further analysis.

IDF Version Converter

Yi demonstrates the use of the new version converter function in jEPlus 1.5.

EP-Launch with JESS

Ivan demonstrates how to use the JESS Client to make EP-Launch run simulations remotely on the JESS server.

jEPlus+Net Intro

Dr Yi Zhang introduces the concept of jEPlus+Net, and how to use the job server and execution nodes on local network.

Use jEPlus+Net on EC2

Yi demonstrates running jEPlus+Net on Amazon EC2.